Has Nigeria Moved Forward In Terms of Security Since 1999?
By Samson Ajibade
Published by Borderless Media
I begin with a paraphrased statement of Ambassador John Negroponte ”whatever happens faraway can kill us at home”. In the wake of insecurity, many of our leaders were nonchalant and oblivious. They started by vituperating on their political adversaries. They failed to address the root-cause, they failed to empower the youth, they failed to provide the basic necessities of life, and when people could not get these necessities, they retreated to violence. This helps to corroborate the Merton’s stress and strain theory. When people find it difficult to achieve or obtain the basic necessities of life or aspirations they resort to crooked means.
The world is busy, everyone is busy, parents are busy facing the quest for a better and conducive life. So, parents are carried away, that they do not have time to train and monitor their children any longer. The only time most parents see their children in broad daylight is probably on Sundays. Many do not even have the time to correct and advise their children on how to behave. Hence, the need for proper upbringing.
We should ask you parents, when was the last time you sat your children down to advise and talk to them about life? When was the last time you entered into your children’s room? Who are your children’s friends? Who are their role models? What socio-religious views do they hold now? Youth and adolescents now engage in drug trafficking and their parents do not know. Many now engage in amoral acts and their parents do not know.
Explicating further, the biological school thoughts believes that criminals are born. Referencing the Cesare Lombroso and Sheldon’s analysis using the body types delinquents or criminals; the ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph. Also, Sigmund Freud’s psychological analysis of id, ego and superego (conscience). This explains that if ego supersedes the desire for an act that could be delinquent or if ego could not be balanced by the superego (conscience), the person may end up committing a criminal act. Many may not even have the intention to steal, but the frivolities or vanities of the 21st century are tempting. This could arouse the criminal intent in man if the superego (conscience) isn’t strong enough. The reason someone said, ”there are no thieves here, but do not tempt people with your valuables”. Would you now say that Nigeria has really gotten security right since 1999? If yes, is your neighbourhood much safer as it used? If no, we need to begin to emphasise the development of good value system for youth, young adults and everyone.
Summarily, life is a contest between the good and the bad, the right and the wrong. If the wrong supersedes the right, then we have the criminal acts. This is also explicated by Thomas Hobbes in the Hobbesian state of nature, that man is nasty, brutish and solitary.
The End of the Cold War in 1989
Though, there were few inter-state wars, there was an increase in civil disturbances and inter- ethnic war. E.g. Nigeria, Rwanda, Liberia, Libya, etc.
Have we even asked or inquired to know how world powers disposed their weapons upon the invention of new and modern ones?
Where did they dispose those weapons they termed obsolete?
Have we ever inquired to know what world powers have done with the stockpile of arms they used in prosecuting the second world war?
After the second world war, arms race was on the increase, the world powers started disposing off the old ammunition in their armouries. However, most of these arms landed in Africa. The reason for increase in terrorism and the proliferation of arms. The reason for easy access arms leading to the proliferation of arms in Africa. From a Criminology and Security Studies (CSS) publication i read, i learnt that in some places an AK-47 rifles can be bought with just $10 or in exchanged for a fowl.
In 1999, Nigeria population was estimated to be 119.3 million and presently, Nigeria is over
210million. This is to say that increase in population is a great factor in the increase in crime rates. However, it is pathetic that our leaders have been nonchalant since inception. Our population that is supposed to be our strength is now our weakness. What a pathetic situation!
The need for strategic planning in Nigeria. Our economic projections should be built upon our population growth rates or increase.
When we desire economic growth, we should know that industrialisation is one of the factors that contribute to crime, especially in capitalist societies.
Criminologist I Security Researcher